Number 1: Lettuce

Number of potential different ED pesticides: 20


Lettuce presents an average amount of pesticides EDCs found of  1300 microgrammes per kilogramm which represents 40 times more than the  amount in one contraceptive pill.


To download the complete data for lettuce, click here.

ED pesticides residues identified by PAN Europe:

  1. Bifenthrin
  2. Captan
  3. Carbendazim and benomyl
  4. Chlorothalonil
  5. Chlorpyrifos-methyl
  6. Cypermethrin (sum)*
  7. Cyproconazole
  8. Deltamethrin
  9. Dimethoate (sum)*
  10. Dithiocarbamates (sum)*
  11. Flutriafol
  12. Iprodione
  13. Linuron
  14. Methomyl and Thiodicarb
  15. Myclobutanil
  16. Pirimicarb (sum)*
  17. Propamocarb
  18. Pyrimethanil
  19. Tebuconazole
  20. Toclofos-methyl

* "Sum" means that EFSA calculated the sum of similarly acting chemicals.

** Here, the "sum" is the sum of the individual amounts of dithiocarbamate chemicals, including mancozeb.

To download the complete data for lettuce, click here.