More than 20,000 concerned europeans respond to the public consultation on EDCs

Whether we will be exposed to toxic chemicals or not, is clearly an issue of public concern. In the end of September 2014, the European Commission launched a public consultation to decide whether hormone disrupting pesticides will be allowed on our food!

The members of the EDC-free coalition, including PAN Europe, launched a platform tool that the concerned citizens could use to respond to the “highly technical” public consultation. The consultation ended in January 2015. We were very happy that more than 20,000 people responded to the consultation using our platform tool. This also shows that people are indeed very concerned that we are exposed to these chemicals in our daily lives.

The European Commission is currently reviewing the more than 27,000 responses they received.

Thank you everyone for your participation and support. Together we can make a difference.

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Use this platform tool and tell the EU regulators to remove hormone disrupting chemicals from our daily lives and food before the 16th of January. Available in 7 languages.




Happy EDC Holidays

Since Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are still used as pesticides, for these Christmas holidays PAN Europe wished to the MEPs and European Commission Happy EDC Holidays!! We sent 100 post cards to the members of the European Parliament from the Environment and Health Committee and to the civil servants from the different European directories involved in Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides Regulation. 2015 could have been an EDC pesticides-free year but due to the strong industry lobbying and conflict of interests EDC-pesticides are still in our food.
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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)? Not in my food!

Industry, predominately pharmaceuticals and food industry, really object to recognise the adverse effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), despite the numerous documented cases of endocrine disruption in humans and wildlife, both from the laboratory and field studies. Their tactic is to manufacture doubt and insist that EDCs are harmless.
Several pesticides are EDCs and end up in our food, putting in danger the health of consumers.

EDCs are not harmless, get yourself informed, join the campaign