PAN-Europe in the news about EDCs

L'Europe perturbée par les hormones (25/05/2015. Le Monde)

EU-Chemikalienregulierung: Wie die Industrie in Brüssel ihren Willen bekommt (20/05/2015, Der Spiegel)

Hoe in Brussel bedrijfsbelangen het van milieu en gezondheid winnen (20/05/2014, De Correspondent)

'Europese Commissie liep blindelings in de val van de industrie' (08/04/2015, Mondiaal Nieuws)

'Suppressed' EU report could have banned pesticides worth billions (02/02/2015, The Guardian)

Few pesticides likely to fall foul of EDC criteria – study (21/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Pesticides: les associations fustigent la feuille de route européenne (21/01/2015, Journal de l'environment)

Perturbateurs endocriniens La Commission doit revoir sa feuille de route (Générations Futures et Pan Europe) (20/01/2015, La France Agricole)

DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria (18/09/2014, ChemicalWatch)

TTIP: already disrupting Europe's precautionary principle? (10/08/2014, arc 2020)

Définition des perturbateurs endocriniens : une course contre la montre? (20/06/2014, Actu-Environnement)

Endocrine disruptors: Commission exploring four scenarios (19/06/2014, EUROPOLITICS)

Chemical industry welcomes EU EDC roadmap (18/06/2014, Chemical Watch)

EFSA slammed by Pesticide Action Network over its methods (28/05/2014, arc 2020)

EU Safety Institutions Caught Plotting an Industry "Escape Route" Around Looming Pesticide Ban (28/05/2014, Truthout)

France presents its draft strategy on EDCs (29/04/2014, EndsEurope)

PAN Europe on the RTBF - National Belgian TV Consumers Show "On n'est pas des pigeons", part on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and the Disrupting Food Consumer Guide (17/12/2013).

Heated chemicals debate continues with open letter to EU chief scientist (23/07/2013)

PAN Europe denounces pesticides provision (16/09/2013, EU Reporter)

European Commission endorses EFSA EDC opinion (09/07/2013)

Commission backs EFSA's definition of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (05/07/2013)

MEP calls for parliamentary risk panel to tame green 'scaremongering' (13/06/2013)
EU plans for EDC testing programme remain unclear (22/05/2013)

NGO complains to EU Commission about Efsa EDC opinion (11/04/2013)

Pesticide industry and NGO clash over EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors (08/04/2013).

Read PAN Europe's Letter to Commissioner Borg concerning EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors

Systematic assessment of EDCs some way off (04/04/2013)

PAN Europe on EDCs – Belgian National Radio (Podcast – 03/04/2013)

Swedish minister wants tougher EU limits on chemicals (28/03/2013)

EFSA paves way for regulating endocrine disruptors in food (21/03/2013)
On the same topic, in Le Monde

EFSA's EDC opinion reopens hazard versus risk debate (22/03/2013)

Conflit d'intérêts : la récidive de l'EFSA (14/12/2012)

Bisphénol A, phtalates... soupçons d'ingérence industrielle à Bruxelles (13/12/2012)

Fertilité masculine : les dangers avérés des perturbateurs endocriniens (05/12/2012)

NGO highlights EDC residues in EU fruits, vegetables (05/06/2012)